
Best Practices and Tips for Podiatry Billing February 22, 2021

podiatry billing tips

Podiatry billing is said to be more challenging than other specialties. It involves different procedures making it more intricate as it requires meticulous coding related to where, when, and what procedures were made. It needs the most competent billers and coders who are up-to-date with the latest revisions of the requirements for Podiatry billing, code-specific regulations, and compliance standards. Even the smallest mistake or error could lead to denials of claims and loss of revenue. Here are the best practices and tips for Podiatry billing straight from our medical billing and coding experts: 

Podiatry Billing Tips and Practices

1. Update your Billing System and Software

It is important to utilize the correct billing system that suits your practice to keep up with today’s dynamic and rapidly changing market. It will help improve the efficiency, quality, and turnaround time by investing and implementing an acceptable EMR, billing system, and software.

2.  Include Comorbidities in Coding

Providers documents relevant conditions called comorbidities. Coding them will help you receive higher reimbursements. It also notifies the insurer about the additional cost.

3. Code Diagnosis Instead of Symptoms

Unless there are client-specific guidelines to code the symptoms, it is essential to analyze the medical reports and code the confirmed diagnosis instead of reporting symptoms. Similarly, the coding of additional disease-related symptoms should be avoided unless indicated.

4. Stay Current with the Billing and Coding Changes

The first step towards effective Podiatry billing is to guarantee that your team is up-to-date with the latest changes to the billing and coding guidelines. The guidelines for Podiatry-related procedures and medical billing are often updated and modified due to their complexity. It is essential that your Podiatry billing team stays current.

5. Audit your Medical billing and Coding Regularly

Podiatry coding and billing mistakes can appear unavoidable due to their complex nature. Having regular audits can help monitor the percentage of errors while at the same time helping to analyze their causes. It ensures consistent steps are taken to minimize recurring errors. The audit also helps you to consider the staff and provide them with extra preparation or retraining. ‘

6. Reevaluate Your Documentation Process

Podiatry billing can be challenging. Any documentation gap can result in missed billable codes, which would potentially hamper the practice revenue. Accurate and full documentation of the exact process is necessary to minimize the rejection of claims. Processing claims with insufficient and erroneous paperwork can be time-consuming and lead to delays in services.

7. Use Combo Codes Appropriately

Podiatry coders must be careful to follow different coding guidelines, such as “Code also,” “Use additional codes,” “Code first,” etc. When necessary, it is important to use combo codes to prevent claims that are rejected, delayed, and denied. However, lacking combo codes implicitly means missing the bill.

8. Outsource your Billing and Coding

You can always partner with a trusted name in medical billing and coding like us at 5 Star Billing Services. We focus solely on medical billing and coding so you can focus more on your clinical services. It will help reduce your turnaround time, overhead cost, and hiring and staffing. Our staff is regularly trained to increase your productivity and quality service.

Tap Into Our Expertise

At 5 Star Billing Services Inc, we offer the highest level of performance for high-quality medical billing. Let us help you during these dire times.

Schedule a consultation with our experts today!

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