Medical billing mistakes can lead to claims denials and delays in payment, affecting Oklahoma healthcare providers’ bottom lines. To prevent mistakes, increase cash flow and improve revenue cycle efficiency, providers often choose to outsource their revenue cycle needs to an Oklahoma billing service. Doing so saves time and money and ensures that billing processes are being carried out correctly.
If your practice is experiencing increased denials due to billing errors, here are a few ways a medical billing service can help:
Implement practice management software.
If your practice isn’t using practice management software yet (what are the odds?) your medical billing company will likely implement one for you. This is due to the fact that medical billing services tend to offer complete outsource solutions, and they require practice management software to facilitate the different billing processes. From automatic charge capture to claims scrubbing and submission, PM software helps eliminate possibilities for mistakes along the revenue cycle.
Verify insurance.
Filing an insurance claim with incorrect or outdated policy information is one of the main reasons claims get denied; and preventing this type of denial requires little effort. In fact, with the help of an Oklahoma billing service physicians can prevent these denials altogether. Before a patient’s appointment, a medical biller will contact the insurance provider (sometimes by phone, sometimes using payer websites), verify effective dates and coverage period, and find out deductible and co-pay amounts for different types of visits.
Insurance verification should be carried out for every patient without exception. It doesn’t matter whether the patient is new, is returning after a year, or is coming back for a 4-month follow up appointment. Having correct insurance information is imperative to getting paid on time.
Check for errors in patient information.
Another reason claims frequently get denied is due to wrong patient information or omitted data. This can include a patient’s name being misspelled, the date of birth being entered incorrectly, or a diagnosis code not matching up with procedure that was performed. Because front desk staff is often unable to double-check these details, an Oklahoma billing service can contact patients ahead of time to obtain this information for you.
Are you interested in learning more about our medical billing services? Contact us today by calling 480-999-0180.